Be Unstoppable!

Why TheDailyHIIT should be a part of your daily routine....

By 8/24/2013 , ,

My far the most common excuse that myself and so many others use for not working out is, "oh, well I just don't have the time."

This could not be more false!

Working out does not need to take hours at the gym. Frankly, it doesn't even need to take 1 hr!  Ask all those Crossfit-ers out there. I know I talk about CrossFit alot, but just looking at the bodies of CrossFit athletes demonstrates that it works!  The premise of CrossFit, as described by, is defined below:

CrossFit Camille Leblanc-Bazinet - I really wanna try crossfit!!!!CrossFit itself is defined as that which optimizes fitness (constantly varied functional movements performed at relatively high intensity). CrossFit is also the community that spontaneously arises when people do these workouts together. In fact, the communal aspect of CrossFit is a key component of why it’s so effective.

I was actually a bit surprised by the "relatively high intensity" portion of this definition.  CrossFit is ridiculously high intensity!! Have you youtubed these people? They are insane and they push themselves so hard! But that's what is so great about the workout is that it is exceptionally high intensity, but for very short periods of time! I'm pretty sure that most CrossFit WODs (workouts of the day) take like 20 minutes or less! So, basically, you don't have an excuse! Wake up 20 minutes earlier and go hard for 20 minutes.  Before you sit down for dinner after a long day, throw on some baggy clothes and bust your butt for 20 minutes.  That's it! Then you're done! It's that easy - go hard for <30 min. and you're done for the day.  

Now - we can't all CrossFit.  I've mentioned before - CrossFit is expensive! I've looked into it a couple times, and I don't think I've seen a CrossFit Box (gym) membership that is <$100 per month.  Now, I cannot afford this! Many of us can't afford this!  But, I have great news! I've found, what I think to be the next best thing
Ladies and gentlemen - The Daily HIIT!!

CrossFit rope climb - how badass would this make you feel?
What's the Daily HIIT? The Daily HIIT is a free, let me say that again, FREE fitness blog that derived from  Daily, HIIT trainers post new varied workouts that are based on the HIIT philosophy. This philosophy is based around the concept of high intensity interval training (hiit).  You do tough workouts in the form of circuits, repeat the circuits the suggested number of times, and then that's it. And by the time you'r done, you're dog tired but feeling fantastic.  

The Daily HIIT website describes themselves as follows:

"TheDailyHiit is about living it, and anyone serious about fitness knows that living an active life means eating healthy, delicious foods and keeping your mind and body balanced. TheDailyHiit is your 24 hour fitness pal, offering daily high-intensity interval training exercises to help you reach your fitness goals. In our community we support each other as we train by sharing ideas, recipes and motivational tips that keep us on track. Fitness is a journey and each of our lives are comprised of stories that chart the ups and downs of our individual quests to reach our goals. By sharing we empower others by example - real people, doing real exercises - facing the issues that life throws at us and working through them a day at a time."

Trainer  LISA = ripped! Very fun to workout with too!
See any similarities to CrossFit?  High intensity, short workouts, and a community feel! They have an app and people post pictures of their progress, recipes, how they workout, and the other members (or bodyrockers, as they like to call themselves) cheer them on! I posted my first pick of how sweaty I was after my first workout, and so many people commented welcoming me to DailyHIIT and to keep up the good work.  When I injured my knee recently, I posted asking for input on what workouts I should try that would still kick my butt, but weren't lower body or plyometrics (jump-training) heavy, and I got so many responses and tips from people that I didn't even know.  It was so great!  It's a support community, just like CrossFit. The workouts are great, challenging, and diverse, so there's something for everyone, and they're short!!  All my grad student friends out there, is there anything better than a short workout that fits neatly into your already crazy day??

Trainer SEAN - He gets down to business
Daily HIIT is my savior! It is so great for people that want to get in a kick ass workout, but don't really have the time to spend an hr or so at the gym or the money to join a gym period.  The trainers are great, and they all kind of have they're own style. They're also of all shapes and sizes.  Lisa is a little thing, but damn I wouldn't want to mess with her. She's ripped. She's a fitness model, and she works her tail off in her videos. I really enjoy her videos! She's chatty and very entertaining!  Sean is good too - I like his arm workouts. He's much more get down to business, if you like a little less talking by your trainer.  They also have a new girl who is a bodyrock alum, who just started posting videos.  Her name's Melissa, and I really like her! She's hardcore, down to business, and kind of reminds me of Jillian Michaels. She's in incredible shape and is by no means a twig! The girl is super strong, without being super skinny, and is just so aspirational! I really enjoy her!

Daily HIIT videos are great, though there are some drawbacks. They use a bit of equipment, which they sell online, but they are very pricey. I'm really not too eager to shell out almost $200 for a T-bar, as useful as it would've been.  But, the great thing is, they understand that most everyone won't have the equipment. So, they have breakdown videos or images where they introduce modifications that you can use to do the exercises without the equipment. Trust me - the workout will still quick your butt without them. Or, you can do what I do, and you can get an array of free weights. I will often sub my free weights in for pretty much anything where they use the Yugi ball or the T-bar.  You'll have to improvise a little bit on occasion, but it's all good! You'll still get a great workout in, no matter what! Promise!
Picture breakdowns or a full video breakdown for each move.
I highly suggest you check out Daily HIIT at! It's so great for everyone. If you're looking for a quick, kick ass at home workout, looking for a workout to do at the gym, a seasoned, elite athlete, a former athlete, or completely new at all of this, give it a try! Please! The support community is great, and they'll totally get you through it! You just gotta be willing and ready to log in every day and do the work!

That's it for now, guys! Let me know if you have any questions about DailyHIIT. As always, we're all in this together!

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