Be Unstoppable!

Fastest 3mi Ever!!

By 9/30/2013 , , , ,

For my Soul by lyndaSo I got home today and was feeling very restless. I haven't worked out in a few days (I know - bad Ellyn!), and was feeling very frustrated with my ability to comprehend my Immunology class. I was finding that the only thing that was working in getting my mind off things was listening to music! So, I decided to kill two birds with one stone! Like they say - the hardest step for a runner is the one out the door. So, I got home, and literally as soon as I walked in the door, I changed into running clothes, grabbed my arm band and hit the pavement.  I was gassed after my run, but then I looked down at my timer (I use Map My Run), and I was ELATED!! I just ran the fastest 3 mi of my life, and my fastest mile time since high school! I was so pooped, but literally couldn't stop smiling!!!

I had to share my map my run post with you guys just because I'm so excited!!

Pretty fricken cool, huh?? I'm stoked about this!!

Now, the ultimate goal is to get back up to that first bar on my my map tun graph - I ran 6.5miles!!

Thought I would share! It's the small victories and the little things that count, like getting your butt out the door just to listen to some music and distract yourself. Amazing things can happen!

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