Restriction vs Limitation - Allow for Indulgences
The biggest misconception in dieting is that we need to change what we eat. Now I'm not saying that isn't true, but what I am saying is that it's misleading. If Weight Watchers taught me anything, it's this - as a culture, we vastly overeat. While on Weight Watchers, I ate pizza, cake, drank beer, among many other things that most diets would consider taboo. And I still lost weight. The thing that I did differently is that I simply ate less of these things.
I have a good friend from college whom I consistently get Little Ceasars pizza with. It is what we do when we hang out. We would split a pizza and share a few beers. It was one of the many habits of mine that led to my weight gain. After weight watchers, I though that these traditions had to stop. But, they didn't have to. The difference was that instead of splitting a pizza with her, I would have a single piece instead of half a pizza.
This last weekend was a splurge weekend for me. Well, more like a splurge Saturday. I know it, but I needed a distraction from everything else and I had the opportunity to spend my Saturday enjoying myself. So, that's what I did. I started by going to a lab party, where I contributed twice baked potatoes and feasted on a variety of barbecue fare. I loosely based my twice baked potato recipe off of the one by "Pioneer Woman", Ree Drummond. Her recipe, found here, is definitely not a healthy or light option! The rest of the recipe I based off of my grandma's recipe, which calls for two sticks of butter!! Let's face it - twice baked potatoes are not super healthy. But they're one of my favorite foods, and totally my comfort food. I was in need of a little comfort.
Now, the only difference this time compared to my pre-Weight Watchers bbq trips was that I didn't drink beer at the barbecue, and I ate less. I enjoyed myself. I ate what I wanted, but I didn't eat until I was so full it hurt. I kept a water bottle in my hand the whole time. But, other than that, there was no difference. I had barbecue chicken and steak. I ate desert. I had a potato!
A healthy lifestyle is not about deprivation. It's about moderation. It's about treating yourself on occasion to something that you're craving - something delicious! That will prevent you from binge eating in the future. So, keep that in mind the next you have a "bad day." Allow yourself some indulgences and it will make the rest of your healthy investments easier. Moderation IS key though. As long as you keep those days few and far between in your life, they won't harm your progress in the long run. Besides, the occasional indulgence tastes so much better the longer it has been since your last indulgence! :-)
So, allow yourself some room to breath and to have a little fun! Fun and indulgences shouldn't be something we deprive ourselves of, so don't be afraid of doing that on occasion!
Until next time -