Be Unstoppable!

But if you close your eyes...

By 4/02/2014 , ,

I was at the library one night last week. Late night, per usual. Grad school style.

I just finished tackling some pain in the ass Biostats homework, that I unfortunately let pile up. And I wanted to share a study strategy with you.

I may have mentioned before that I listen to instrumental music when I study. It centers and focuses me and I enjoy listening to it. But the big bonus for me is that it doesn't have lyrics, so I can't sing along. I would if I could, otherwise. But when I'm done tackling something big, I allow myself some pick me up music time. I switch playlists and just veg out while I bop along to some uplifting tracks.

Tonight's tracks - "Happy" by: Pharell Williams and "Pompeii" by: Bastille

I love that line from "Pompeii"...but if you close your eyes, does it always feel like nothing's changed at all?

So I closed my eyes and savored my study break. I closed my eyes and re-centered myself. Do I have more to do? Yes, but in that little break, with that little musical pick me up, I feel rejuvenated and I'm ready to start again. Music does that for me.

What does that for you?

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