Be Unstoppable!

Daily Eats - Repetition and Eating Healthy

By 12/14/2014 , , , , , , , , , ,

I have referenced before how important it is to have daily routine, which I discuss more in this blog post. But I don't think I've talked about this as much in reference to food!

So today, I want to talk about the importance of establishing a routine with your food. Not only is scheduling time to meal prep super important, which I've discussed in previous blog posts (which you can find here), but it's also important to establish some consistency in patterns in not only when you eat, but what you eat.

I've started to call this my Daily Eats...

If you talk to a bunch of people who are fit, gym rats, or'll probably find that these people eat very similar things for the most part from day-to-day! In fact, most other people tend to do the same...without even meaning to! They don't even notice that they're doing it, but they're day to day is pretty repetitive...

So, this is an example of what I eat day to day! It's very simple!

I start off my morning with a cup of coffee, pre-workout!

Then, about an hour or so later, after my shower, I have my Shakeology for breakfast.

I usually get into work around 8 am. So, I'll have my first snack of the day around 9:30-10 am. That's usually fruit. I've tried having a veggie snack in the morning. I don't like. Vegetables to me just aren't a morning food!

Then, around 11:30-12, I have lunch! Lunch is always a salad for me! Usually it's Kale, but not all the time! I have grown to REALLY love my lunch time salads. Salads are my favorite way to get my vegetables in! And this lunch salad just fits into my day so well.

Then, in the afternoon, around 2-ish, I have my afternoon snack. I love veggies and hummus!! I tend to stick with celery or cucumbers. I prefer cucumbers actually! But, recently the cucumbers haven't been very fresh so I've switched back to celery!

Then - dinner! I usually have dinner around 5pm when I get home from work! This is by far my heartiest meal of the day! And varies the most in my day-to-day eating. My dinner recipes are the things that I feature in my MOTW  and budget MOTW posts! These tend to be things like quinoa mac n' cheese, crock pot chili, etc. I REALLY like my dinner to be a single dish that encompasses all of my food groups! Those are my favorite meals, because they simplify everything for me!

Occasionally, I'll have an evening snack if I'm still hungry! I really like greek yogurt for that because it seems like I'm eating ice cream!! :-) Yummy!

So, that's it for today! Just a simple post, but if I've found anything other than meal prepping to be really effective in my healthy lifestyle journey, it's the consistency I've developed in eating habits!

Have a great week!!

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