Be Unstoppable!

The Chalene Show - Podcasting to Live an Awesome Life!

By 1/28/2015 , , , , , , , , ,

This is going to potentially be information overload day! But, this is something I've wanted to do for a while now! I want to share one of my favorite forms of personal development and information sharing. Podcasting.

On my Resources page, I list a bunch of blogs, websites and materials that I LOVE. And a number of those at the bottom are Podcasts! Today, I'm going to focus on one specifically that is my go-to for some amazing content! But before I get into it, I want to introduce this podcast host a little bit...

Have you heard of Chalene Johnson?  Those of you that have any familiarity with Beachbody may just know her as a fitness expert. She's the trainer in hit fitness programs like TurboFire, ChaLEAN Extreme, and PiYo (All program names are links to the programs themselves). But really she is SO MUCH MORE than that!

Now - let me ask you this. How many of you have heard of "The Chalene Show"? I am an avid listener! So today, I wanted to share with you some of my very favorites of Chalene's podcasts! She covers all sorts of topics - from business building, to personal development, to subjects more in the realm of health and nutrition. Some of these are oldies, but their amazing and I reference them all the time in my challenge groups!

So let's get started on covering my FAVE "The Chalene Show" podcasts!

**Note that ALL of the Podcast Titles in this post are links to that blog post on Chalene Johnson's website**


I originally had these podcasts ordered in the opposite order, with the fitness and nutrition podcasts first. But that just didn't feel right because frankly personal development is the tipping point in my opinion. Doing personal development is where results come from. It makes you mentally strong and persistent, helps you identify your passions and wants in life so you have direction, and your excuses so that you can navigate obstacles. I do a lot of personal development! Plus...if I order them this way, then I can start off with my absolute favorite Chalene Show podcast...

"Crazy Confidence" (27m 02s): This episode changed my life. Like no joke, I go back to it all the time! I think I've put it as an assignment in ALL of my challenge groups since I've discovered it. This is an amazing podcast.  Confidence is a tremendous problem for everyone! I mean, how often do you have issues with self-confidence, or self-image that hinder you in your life? How often do you feel like you're being judged, only to realize that the judgement was self-invented? Chalene talks about some things you can do to build your confidence, for example...
-Steps to change your inner voice
-How to attract people that lift you up
-How to overcome self-doubt
-How to understand that experience builds confidence, and you have to start by overcoming fears

-Small daily actions to improve confidence

"Introvert or Extrovert?" (29m 12s): I was stoked when I found this episode, because I feel like there are a lot of misconceptions about what it means to be an Introvert or Extrovert! For example, outwardly 75% of people would think that I'm an extrovert. But I'm not! I identify myself as an introvert! Why? Because I get drained, completely exhausted when I'm around large groups of people for an extended period of time! I am an outgoing introvert because I am loud, talkative, and friendly. But I draw my energy and recharge my batteries when I'm alone! That's the big difference! So, in this episode, Chalene addresses...
-the difference between introverts and extroverts
-How that differs from being shy or outgoing
-How to build social confidence and self-awareness
-Among other often tidbits, including her wonderful club which I've recently joined--The Courageous Confidence Club

"Creating Your Best Year Ever" (37m 02s): This one features the awesome Michael Hyatt! What I really enjoyed about this episode was how they tackle the idea of goal-setting! People have this big misconception that based on what they do or who they are that they don't need to set goals, but that's not true! If you want to avoid stagnating in your life, you need to set yourself some goals! In this episode, Chalene and Michael address that misconception and give us strategies for tackling our goals by addressing ways to deal with a goal you're afraid you won't meet, the idea of a PUSH goal (Chalene's 30 day push inspired this subject), and the importance of advancing yourself by pushing outside your comfort zone! It's a goodie! Totally check it out!|


"Weekend Weight Loss" (10m 2s): This is a great podcast about ways to really focus on our weight loss OVER THE WEEKEND. The weekend's for me are a struggle. I'm off my schedule, there's social events that tempt me, etc.  Chalene throw's out some awesome tips for things that you can do to really take advantage of your weekend. For example
- Don't drink over the weekend
-15 minute HIIT (high-intensity interval training) on two days
-Eat 1 cup of raw veggies before lunch and dinner! 

Check out the podcast for the rest of the tips!

"Breaking a Weight Loss or Fitness Plateau" (25m 42s): How many of you have hit a plateau in an otherwise super successful weight loss journey? It's really frustrating, right? Well, here Chalene gives some VERY simple tips to help you combat that. Some of these tips include -- Looking at your nutrition, changing up your workout routine, sleep more, OR take a week OFF of exercise!

"Sugar Addiction" (36m 10s): Sugar addiction is something I've never heard of before...and the nutrition nerd in me was FREAKING OUT while I was listening to this! She has a sugar addiction and nutrition expert, JJ Virgin on the show as a guest for this one and it's awesome to hear her incredible insight. Some takeaways... - Fruit is NOT the same VEGGIES! Switching them out in your diet will not yield the same results.
- Sugar addiction is a real thing! Fatigue, bloating, and inconsistent energy levels are a side effect of sugar addiction and high sugar intake.
-And sugar is hidden in tons of foods that we think are "safe"... like balsamic vinegar for example

"Sleep Off Your Fat" (22m36s): Keith Harris in the house! I think this is when he starts to show up a log in her podcasts, but anywho. This is one of her longer fit tip episodes, but still super interesting!! We all spend so much time thinking about how our fitness and nutrition affect our waistline, and they do! But we don't spend enough time thinking about how sleep affects us!  In this episode, they discuss sleep topics such as... how much sleep to get, how important consistency in your sleeping patterns is, how to fall asleep faster, the best sleep environments etc!

"Paleo Primal Diet" (40m30s): What a FASCINATING podcast! In this one, Chalene invites Mark Sisson to her show and they talk about the work he does educating people about the "Primal" diet, which is very close to paleo! I love this episode because it addresses a lot of the misconceptions about nutrition! He has some weird daily habits, that I'm admittedly still trying to wrap my brain around. But this is a GOODY! Some of the nuggest of wisdom...
-Most of us are sugar burners...but to be really lean, you have to teach your body to burn FAT!
-Basics of the Primal Diet Lifestyle (rich in healthy fats, low in processed carbs, and high protein)
-Guidelines for the best LEAN protein shakes!'s the takeaway...

I podcast to learn. To improve my life and my knowledge about things that I would otherwise be exposed to! And there are lots of podcasts and audiobooks that I listen to on my commute.

But, you know what...

Chalene Johnson is my fave and if I introduce one person to "The Chalene Show" through this word vomit of a post, all this typing will TOTALLY be worth it!!

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