Be Unstoppable!

21 Day Fix - A Review

By 6/20/2014 , , , , , , , ,

I've been dying to write this review since the day I got 21 day fix! Now, two rounds later, and I'm happy to say that I'm beyond satisfied with this program and how it turned out!

I'm not saying that everything went perfectly and that it was all sunshine and roses, but the results speak for themself!

7 pounds...1" off my waist...1" off my hips. Arm and ab definition like I've never had before!

But, this is a review, so I will tell you what I LOVED, where I struggled, and even what I didn't like! So, here it goes!

Those damn yellow containers....
I really don't  know what else to say. I'm Italian. I like my pasta...and pizza...and garlic bread. And beer. Ya...the yellow containers are really hard for me! I sort of half-assed the food part of the program for the first time through, and didn't really lose a lot of weight. But, pre-challenge group, I really decided that I would fully commit to this the second time around, including the food and that made all the difference in the results. But ya, the yellow ones are definitely the hardest for me.

Also, another struggle for me was getting more creative with my veggies!  I'm very much a salad girl.  That's my favorite way to eat veggies, for sure, but what with only being allowed 1 orange per day, I struggled with how to get my veggies in, because, let's face it, I'm not about to eat a dressing-less salad! So, I had to come up with new strategies for getting my veggies in, since I had to get 3 greens in during the day!  My favorite trick became throwing a hefty handful of chopped spinach into my shakeology for breakfast in the trust me, you can't even taste the spinach once you're done!  Check out my post about green smoothies for tips and recipes ideas!  Then, I would tend to have a big kale salad for lunch. And for my last veggie, I would either have a snack of veggies and hummus (I liked cucumbers, celery or tomatoes), OR I would save up that last veggie for dinner and sautee some veggies into a veggie stir-fry or my favorite Paleo Phad Thai or get another serving of veggies at dinner in one of my many chili recipes!

These are actually very few and far between for me because I was so happy with the eating portion of this program, and the workouts definitely delivered on their promises to get me strong and toned! You definitely feel the burn!  The only thing that I maybe didn't like was the fact that there was a workout everyday for 3 weeks, but I think maybe that's part of the deal when you buy a program designed to deliver big results in 3 weeks!
The recipes are my only other complaint. The food book tells you what to eat and gives you some recipes, but I really never used them. I relied a lot on pinterest, the internet, my challenge group girls, and my coach to give me good recipe ideas.

-Those adorbs little containers!! Need I say more? I'm done with 21 day fix now and I still  use them all the time!
- The modifications in literally every workout! You'll probably need them! I definitely did! The side plank in, I think, Dirty 30 I had to modify up until the very last day I did that workout! Yay for progress!
-The workouts. Seriously. Ass kicking at it's finest! Especially cardio fix! That one is a killer! But don't worry, it's a good kind of ass-kicking!
-Autumn. Seriously, I'm a fan of Autumn. I have always been a big Jillian Michaels fan, and you definitely need the tough love like Jillian gives when you're making a big lifestyle change. But what I liked about Autumn is that she's like a more positive version of Jillian Michaels!  She cracks a couple jokes here and there with her workout buds in the videos and really draws you into the fun too! Plus, I love how much much she pushes them! It motivates me too!
-The Challenge group! Seriously, I wouldn't have had the successes I did without my group! That was my first challenge group, and I'd never thought I'd needed one because I always feel like if you're going to make a lifestyle change, you can't really on other people. You need to motivate yourself.  And I still believe that! But, you're going to have off days. You're going to have moments when you don't understand why you're putting yourself through it! And that's when having a team and a coach that are relying on you to commit with them is a GREAT thing!  When you get in moods like that, you remember that you have these people behind you that want you to succeed too, and they want to be motivated by you, and you eventually want to motivate them too!  That's the benefit a challenge group gives you and it is seriously invaluable!  

So, that's my 21 Day Fix review! If you're looking for a program that's simple, straight-forward, pushes you hard and tests your dedication, but delivers on it's promises in 21 days, then you should definitely try this program out!

Note: I was drinking Shakeology while on this program! Shakeology is meant to enhance your results by providing your body with the nutrition it needs to refuel and replenish after a tough workout!  If you want to know more, check out my post about Shakeology here!

Message me on Facebook or comment here if you want more information or if you want to try the program!

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